Simply put, Alexx teaches about the interconnectedness between everything. She is the originator of the philosophies of Ego Degradation, Core Karmic Lessons, and Symptom Karmic Lessons.
Scientifically and anatomically, we are all the same but only differentiated by the Ego which creates a duality between "self" and "other." As we are all the same, that means that you are the universe manifested in physical form, and as you are the universe, you have created everything. Therefore, everything in existence, not in existence, possibly in existence, will never and ever be in existence...is YOU. So why in the cosmos are you here? You are here so that you may experience yourself in a certain way and to remember who and what you are...the universe.
Within this incarnation with your human Ego, you are meant to learn lessons. You were born with one of three possible Core Karmic Lessons: self-love, self-worth, or non-attachment. Whichever Core Karmic Lesson you have in this manifestation, is what is causing you pain and suffering. On top of this Core Karmic Lesson are things called Symptom Karmic Lessons. These are programmed beliefs and value systems thrown onto your Ego in order to cover up the Core Karmic Lesson so that the Ego doesn't have to deal with it. And yes, Symptom Karmic Lessons can be the same as the Core Karmic Lessons.
In order to learn these lessons and stop the Ego from suffering, you (as the universe) have manifested two things to help guide you through: the Soul Family and Ego Degradation. The Soul Family, made up of four types of members, each show you lessons in a different manner, while Ego Degradation is the mind's ability to do a full reboot. Ego Degradation is the how of Awakening, and it will help lead you towards the ultimate goal of non-attachment.
In Alexx's teachings, you will learn about the science behind you as the universe; the biological elements that stop you from certain metaphysical ideologies; who the Soul Family is, how the members present themselves, and the lessons they are showing you; how both biology and society creates the Ego; how to get through Ego Degradation; how to figure out the Core Karmic Lesson, Symptom Karmic Lessons, how the Ego is hindering you from learning them; and how to get closer to non-attachment.